Sports Circular 1 - T2 2024

Fri, 26 July 2024

Dear Parents,

Once again, a busy and highly productive sporting term has come to an end. This week's schedule of 26 matches is just a sample of numerous fixtures that have transpired throughout the term. Organizing an average of 20 matches weekly, not counting weekends demands careful planning and teamwork. Our objective was to provide as many opportunities as possible for our students to proudly represent their school in a variety of sports.
None of this would have been possible without the commitment and dedication of our sports staff and class teachers, who generously gave their time outside of their regular teaching duties to contribute to afternoon sporting activities and clubs.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated parents who have continuously provided support and encouragement for our teams from the sidelines. Their presence has undoubtedly played a significant role in creating a remarkable sporting season.
Our support staff have also been outstanding in their efforts, making sure our fields were ready every morning by adjusting benches and goal posts to ensure everything was set up perfectly for the day's sporting events.
While our focus remains on participation, enjoyment and good sportsmanship, we also managed to achieve some great results.

Our chess team members worked hard to improve their skills and tactics which led to some positive results. Although we were unable to participate in as many matches as we had hoped due to some schools cancelling fixtures for unforeseen reasons, we still managed to emerge as the champions of the esteemed Happy Primary Chess tournament. Congratulations to Jordan Gweshe for being voted the player of the tournament and for representing the Zimbabwe Junior Chess Team for the past few years.
Despite some ups and downs our netball teams showed resilience and teamwork as they worked together to improve their skills and knowledge of the game. We had a total of six teams, with three junior teams playing 21 matches and three senior teams playing a total of 24 matches.
Throughout the season, our soccer teams displayed significant improvement, showcasing strong offensive and defensive skills. The boys exhibited exceptional sportsmanship and a high level of dedication to the sport. Our junior teams, consisting of four teams who played a total of 26 matches, are ones to keep an eye on for the future. Additionally, our three senior teams played a total of 22 matches. Five of our boys were selected for the Harare Provincial Teams: Yaphet Abdi, Braelyn Li,
Ryan Homu, Tavonga Matsika, and Kudiwa Chamburuka. Following the interprovincial tournament, Braelyn Li and Yaphet Abdi were further selected for the Zimbabwe U13 team. Congratulations to them all.
Boys Hockey;
The boys' hockey teams had a praiseworthy season and have every reason to take pride in their accomplishments. We fielded six junior teams that competed in 46 matches and four senior teams that participated in a total of 27 fixtures. It is noteworthy that most of our teams lost only a single match. Congratulations to Ryan Kwendambairi, Joshua Stuart, Tavonga Matsika, Yaphet Abdi, Tadiwa Mawire for being chosen to represent the Harare Provincial Teams
Girls Hockey;
The girls' hockey teams had a standout season that deserves applause for their achievements. With six junior teams playing in 52 matches, and all three senior teams remaining unbeaten in 23 matches, there is no doubt about their talent. A special congratulations to our 1st XI girls, who not only emerged victorious in the Bishopslea 7s hockey tournament but also had a season full of unforgettable moments. Nine of our girls were chosen for the Harare Provincial Teams. Congratulations to Sanaa Muzanenhamo, Dezaylaa Ali, Tawana Furusa, Tinotenda Gapu, Zoe Chakonza, Unathi Kadembo, Catalina Peters, Chloe Majuru, and Celine Ochieng.

There has also been extra sports such as Taekwondo, BTA Tennis, Playball, External Swimming, Gymnastics and others which have gone incredibly well all term.
Next week, there will be no prep, clubs, or sports except for Interhouse matches scheduled on the school calendar. If your child has been selected to participate in these matches, they should bring their house-coloured T-shirt and black shorts
The senior colours awards assembly is scheduled for Thursday 1st August. Parents / guardians of the recipients will be notified by Monday the 29th at the latest.
Team photos, including those for the junior teams, will now be taken on Thursdays. Please make sure your child brings their kit if you would like them to be included in the photo. Photos can be ordered from John Pilch through our school office.

Yours In Sport