Fri, 02 August 2024

Dear Parents,

This term is drawing to a rapid closure and what an incredible term it has been !

You will all have been sent Mr Mutare’s letter on the Sports Departments achievements over the term and we can be incredibly proud of all our children and of course their coaches. Without repeating all that was in that letter I would just like to thank all those involved for helping to make it happen. Thank you to you the parents as well for all your tremendous support of all our events.
Well done, too, to Mr Muteta and his choir who sang so beautifully in the Combined Schools’ Choir earlier in the term.
Inter-Schools Spelling Competition took place last evening at Gateway School and I am delighted to tell you that Twin Rivers won the competition ! Huge Congratulations to Mr Vambe and Thumelo Faranisi who came 4th in the junior section and Nathan Mutoti who came 1st in the seniors which gave us 1st overall. Outstanding.