Circular #2 - Term 2 2024

Fri, 02 August 2024

Dear Parents,

This term is drawing to a rapid closure and what an incredible term it has been !

You will all have been sent Mr Mutare’s letter on the Sports Departments achievements over the term and we can be incredibly proud of all our children and of course their coaches. Without repeating all that was in that letter I would just like to thank all those involved for helping to make it happen. Thank you to you the parents as well for all your tremendous support of all our events.
Well done, too, to Mr Muteta and his choir who sang so beautifully in the Combined Schools’ Choir earlier in the term.
Inter-Schools Spelling Competition took place last evening at Gateway School and I am delighted to tell you that Twin Rivers won the competition ! Huge Congratulations to Mr Vambe and Thumelo Faranisi who came 4th in the junior section and Nathan Mutoti who came 1st in the seniors which gave us 1st overall. Outstanding.
ECD Play : “Mad About Dinosaurs”
This was once again a brilliant performance involving every child in the ECD. Not only were the costumes incredible but so was everything else about it. The scenery was outstanding and took hours of work to prepare. The actual drama side of the play was almost done to military perfection with every child knowing exactly what to do and when to do it. Congratulations indeed to Mrs Raybould and all of her incredible teachers and assistants. A magnificent job.
Brownies and Guides Camp
Our Brownies and Guides leave today for their two nights camp at Pax Park Chivero and you would think, judging by the luggage assembled in the hall, that they were going for a month ! ! I have no idea how it is all going to fit into our buses and trailers ! We wish them a safe and enjoyable camp.
Grade 6 S to Spanish Embassy: Monday 5th August
Monday will see our final grade 6 class having an enjoyable visit to the Spanish Embassy and we know that they will have an interesting experience there.
Then there are numerous other class outings to such places as Mooland, Wild is Life, St Elmos (Beavers), Greenwood Park and other exciting places.
Travelling Bookshop
The Travelling Bookshop had an amazing display of their books last Friday at the ECD, and today they graced us with their presence for grades 1 -7. It was well supported and appreciated by the children and parents.
Takkie Day : Tue 6th August
You will have seen the poster about this so please remind your children to wear their takkies on Tuesday and to bring $1 or more to go towards Island Hospice and Healthcare to help meet their growing and unmet needs.
Nutrition Talk (Girls grades 5,6 & 7)
All our girls in grades 5, 6 and 7 had a very interesting and informative talk by Kristy Baxter, a registered Nutrition Therapy Practitioner. This was very well received by the girls and they were also able to ask question about other semi-related and equally important concerns of theirs. A most worthwhile exercise.

New Buildings
Our new block is nearing completion and we are very excited to see the progress. It won’t be long before we can take occupancy.
Grades 1, 2 & 3 Classrooms
The Board has taken the decision to reroof the classrooms, removing the old asbestos sheets and replacing them with IBR – much safer. The plan is also to add a veranda on to each classroom and this has necessitated massive earthworks in order to go beneath the clay to reach a solid footing. It should all be finished by the start of next term and it will all make a huge difference.
School Fee Payments
Please look out for the fee circular to follow on Monday 5th August.
Closing Times Mon 5, Tues 6 & Wed 7
Grades 0 - 12:00 pm
Grades 1 and 2 - 12:15 pm
Grades 3 and 4 - 12:30 pm
Grades 5, 6 and 7 - 1:00 pm
Thursday 8th
This will be the last official day of the term but as it is awkward to many of you to pick up children mid-morning, Thursday is VOLUNTARY ! Closing times will be as follows :-
Grades 0, 1, 2 and 3 10:00 am
Grades 4 + 5 10:15 am
Grades 6 + 7 10:30 am
Please note that there will be no formal supervision after 11:00am for your children if they are not collected.

Office Holiday Hours
OPEN : Fri, 9 August (8:00 – 12:30pm)
CLOSED : 12 – 23 August
RE-OPEN : 26 Aug – 9 Sep (8:00 – 12:30pm)

Uniform Shop Holiday Hours (9:00am to 12:30pm)

: 19 Aug, Mon
: 21 Aug, Wed
: 23 Aug, Fri
: 3 Sep, Tue
: 4 Sep, Wed
: 5 Sep, Thurs
: 6 Sep, Fri
: 9 Sep, Mon

Third Term 2024
Staff meeting will take place on Monday 9th September. School for the children will start on Tuesday 10th September at the normal time.
It only remains for me now to thank you all for your support over the term and to wish you and your children happy and safe holidays.
Kind regards