Circular #1 Term 2 2024
Dear Parents
I trust that your term is going well.
It is an incredibly busy term with at least five matches every afternoon plus Saturday festivals not to mention school exams coming up soon.
Internal Exams : Grades 3 -7
On the school calendar these were due to start Monday 17 BUT there will be NO EXAMS on Monday 17 as it is EID. So the exams scheduled for that Monday will now happen this Friday 14 June. The children are all aware of this.
Fixture Free Weekend : Friday 21 – Monday 24 Inclusive
This much needed break will be taken Friday 21 June (as on the calendar) and school will restart Tuesday 25 at the normal time. Please note there will be NO AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES on Thursday 20 June. Please make sure your children are collected by 1:30pm.
Colds and Flu
As we all know there are some nasty flu bugs going around so please send your child to school with a mask if you suspect that it may be starting. If your children are definitely sick please do not send them to school and take them to a doctor.
Combined Choirs : Tues 18 June
Our choir have been working hard with many other schools to produce what will certainly be a great event held at St John’s College.
Facebook Page
Please check our Facebook page regularly to keep up with events happening around the school. There are far too many results for me to list them all here but our teams are doing really well all round and we can be very proud of our sportsmen and women.
Dress Warmly
Please dress your children warmly and see that all their clothes are clearly marked.
Stay well and safe and hopefully many of you will be able to have some family time over the fixture-free weekend.
Kind regards