Circular #1 Term 1 2020

Tuesday, 14 January, 2020

Dear Parents

A belated “Compliments of the Season” to you all and here’s trusting that 2020 will be filled with only pleasant surprises beyond our imagination!

Welcome to all our new parents and children and welcome back to our usual Twin Rivers’ family. We look forward to a great year.

Teachers, Assistants & Coaches
We have a full complement of staff, excited and raring to go!

Afternoon Activities List & School Calendar
You will all be in possession of these from grades 3-7 so please ensure that your child gets to the correct activity at the right time and dressed appropriately. Rain is so badly needed but can also cause major headaches when it comes to afternoon sports. If it is pouring with rain, please check with the office and come and collect your child if at all possible. We will look after any who have to stay here but obviously the fewer the better.
We will try to only cancel sport if the fields are obviously going to be unusable which can happen as we are basically in a vlei area.

School Drop Off and Collection
Please do not stop your car and leave it unoccupied if it is in any way blocking the traffic. Please be careful and courteous at all times. Despite the fact that we have guards, never leave valuables in your car if you do have to leave it unoccupied. Remember you are dealing with professionals!

Manners & Smart Dress Code
We will be continuing with our pursuit of good manners and smart attire both in the school and outside of it. Please support us in this and ensure that your children are well behaved and well dressed at all times, especially if they are in uniform.

Challenging Times
The year is still new, the term is even newer and much lies ahead for all of us. I would encourage you all to be as positive as possible in your outlook and especially in front of your children.
Let’s make the best of everything that we have.

Have a great year!

Yours sincerely


Newsletter PDF: