Circular #4 - Term 1 2024

Fri, 22 March 2024

Dear Parents

I probably say it every term but this time I am really stunned by the speed with which the term has gone !
By all accounts we have done so well all round with several entries into the Eistedfodd Allied Arts competition doing incredibly well. Our two choirs both received 1+s which is so close to honours and of the individuals who entered we got two received 2s and the rest 1st or 1+s. Well done to them all.

On the athletics front we won the overall Golden League competition for the Eastern District and 42 of our athletes have been selected to represent the Eastern District on Saturday at the combined District competition at Lilfordia. This is over half of the whole team.
We have also had our three internal sports days and they were all very well attended by parents and great fun was had by all the children. The standards are definitely climbing and we had a huge number of records broken during the grades 3 – 7 sports day.

The grade 0 day was spectacular yet again and all events incorporated the skills learnt during the term in the P.E. lessons.
For the first time the grade 1 + 2 day was changed to a mini Golden League event where the children did all the disciplines that they will encounter in the coming years ; hurdles, discuss, javelin, shot put, long jump and the flat races. It went really well and will no doubt pay dividends in the future.

Hockey Tour to South Africa
We wish our boys and girls teams all the best as they go on tour this holidays. It is the first time that we have sent both boys and girls and we look forward to them having a richly rewarding tour. A huge “Thank You” to the hockey committee for their hard work with their fundraising efforts over the last couple of terms and to you all for supporting them and to our sponsors who donated prizes for the raffle which was drawn in assembly today.
Here are the prize-winners :-
- 20L Fuel Coupon - Taona Karonga
- Meal voucher from Hoffs - Talent Mahachi
- Aromatherapy Set - Natalie M
- Autoworld 4 x 4 Voucher - Yolanda Chanakira
- Chengeta Safari Lodge Day Trip Voucher - Simone Mafi
- Grand Prize : 2 Tickets to Johannesburg, Bulawayo or Vic Falls – S. Nyika
Children who sold the most tickets :-
- Catalina Peters
- Chloe Majuru

New Building
As you can see for yourselves our new building is now taking shape fast and we look forward to having brand new :
- Science room
- Library
- Staff room
- Shona room
- Kitchen

Wednesday 27th March
This will be the last official day of the term but as it is awkward to many of you to pick up children mid-morning, Wednesday is VOLUNTARY ! Closing times will be as follows :-
Grades 0, 1, 2 and 3 10:00 am
Grades 4 + 5 10:15 am
Grades 6 + 7 10:30 am
Please note that there will be no formal supervision after 11:00am for your children if they are not collected.

Office Holiday Hours
OPEN : 28 Mar, 2 – 5 April (8:00 – 12:30pm)
CLOSED : 8 – 19 April
RE-OPEN : 22 Apr – 6 May (8:00 – 12:30pm)

Uniform Shop Holiday Hours
OPEN : 3 and 5 April (9:00am – 12:30pm)
CLOSED : 8 – 19 April
OPEN : Week 22 – 26 April
(Mon to Fri, 9 :00am – 12:30pm)
: 02 May (Thurs, 9:00am – 12:30pm)
: 06 May (Mon, 9:00am - 12:30pm)

Second Term 2024
Staff meeting will take place on Monday 6th May. School for the children will start on Tuesday 7th May at the normal time.
Thank you to everyone, staff, children and parents for helping to work together to make Twin Rivers a happy, safe and productive environment for all.

Kind regards